Massage Therapy / Bodywork Services

All massage and bodywork services incorporate a range of modalities depending on your specific preferences and goals for the session.

Various modalities that may be integrated into your massage include: Swedish, myofascial release/unwinding, rocking/rebounding, structural integration, deep tissue, stretching, manual lymphatic drainage and neuromuscular techniques.

These will often be integrated with both passive and active movement and breathing to help facilitate both conscious and subconscious somatic awareness and embodiment. This promotes active release of muscle holding patterns and re-calibration of proprioceptors which helps the body settle into a more neutral, relaxed posture while decreasing pain and increasing range of motion and results in an overall sense of well being and a lightened disposition.

Pressure and techniques will always vary and be personalized to you, based on your needs at the time. All massages are deep, calming and restorative.

Prices shown are for cash pay at time of service only. Massage covered by insurance will be billed at our standard rate of $150 / 60 minutes with copay due at the time of service.

Integrative Massage

$90 / 60 minutes
$120 / 90 minutes
$160 / 120 minutes
$240 / 180 minutes

Standard massage - various modalities that may be integrated into your massage include: Swedish, myofascial release/unwinding, rocking/rebounding, structural integration, deep tissue, stretching, manual lymphatic drainage and neuromuscular techniques.

Pregnancy Massage

$100 / 100 minutes
$130 / 130 minutes

Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting mothers and can be nearly the same as any other massage including deep tissue techniques. Special cushions and bolsters are used to prop the body in a neutral position. Either side-lying or semi-reclining postures are used to prevent putting pressure or strain on the abdomen and connective tissue of the joints. This is also an integrated massage that incorporates multiple styles and techniques customized to your needs at the time.

Chair Massage

$45 / 30 minutes

A quick and effective way to receive massage therapy, especially for pain relief in shoulders, arms, neck and head. Also a comfortable, easy way to meet and try a new therapist. Don't write it off until you've tried it, many times we've seen solid results in as little as 10 minutes of chair massage..

Out-Call Massage Add-on


Additional fee for massages outside of the office

Medical Massage

$- Call to Discuss

Medical massage incorporates many techniques to address muscle and skeletal issues diagnosed by a doctor. We are able to accept some insurance for massage. Please call to discuss your options. Payment for co-pays are due at the time of service.